

Tuesday 4 June 2019

A few days in Romania

I spent a few days last week on the Black Sea coast of Romania, in the Dobrogea region. Far from a Pally Tally jaunt, it was a relaxing trip soaking up the rays and logging 145 species, including such eastern fare as Pallas’s Gull (the sole lifer), Paddyfield Warbler and Pied Wheatear, along with an abundance of more typical southern stuff such as Roller, Booted Eagle and Bee-eater.

Paddyfield Warbler, Vadu.

A formal trip report is up here on Cloudbirders, so the below is merely a selection of some of the many photos taken (and a reminder to myself that I need to finish my Florida posts ... ).

Red-backed Shrike, Capul Dolosman.

Bee-eaters, Enisala.

Dalmatian Pelican, Jurilovca.

Black-headed Bunting, Sinoe.

Stone-curlew, Sinoe.

Bee-eater, Sinoe.

Paddyfield Warbler, Sinoe.

Paddyfield Warbler, Sinoe.

Pallas's Gulls, Sinoe.

Red-footed Falcon, Histria.

Red-footed Falcon, Histria.

Caspian Gull colony, Lacul Saraturii.

Paddyfield Warbler, Vadu.

Paddyfield Warbler, Vadu.

Roller, Măcin.

Icterine Warbler, Bunting Byway.

Ortolan Bunting, Bunting Byway.

Black-headed Bunting, Bunting Byway.

Tawny Pipit, Bunting Byway.

Souslik, Cheia.
Pied Wheatear, Cheia.

Pied Wheatear, Cheia.

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